Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kids being kids..

One of my favorite subject to photograph is kids. They can be a little bit of uneasy sometimes but their expressions are always genuine. That must have been the awesome thing that needs to be captured with kids.. just being kids! Whether they are happy, sad, mad and whatever expressions they feel it is nice to put it on the picture and frame it. They will be thankful later on in their life that they have photos of it.      

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

1 Month Photo-Shoot

My youngest son Zach just turned 1 month now.  Good way to document this important milestone is to take tons of photos. I found it best time to take photographs of my little one is when he is done taking a bath, that is between 10:00 AM - 12:00 noon, because that it is most likely that he always feel good and sleepy and refresh that he just don't mind at all when I move him in any positions, it works like magic. Also, it's the best time that I can take advantage some light source for the camera since I don't have those sb flash  and light gadgets. Natural light is better. ;D

I did not make any preparations for this event or think of  a particular theme or whatsoever, everything is just sort of random. I just look everything I could find in his closet that I can use for props and found his adorable baby bath rob and baby hat with monster horns on it. I love the results, well except that I still need to work on my skills. I'm excited looking forward in the next coming months for my next photo-shoot of him.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Up and Running...

It's been years that I wanted to make my own blog, actually I tried to create one or two before but it seems that it's too much of a commitment to update blogs. Hopefully, this time I can update it regularly. For now, I am trying to learn a little bit more on navigating this site since some of the updates are not familiar with.

For the start, here are some of my favorite photos I took of my son's  2012 Spring Soccer. It was also a perfect opportunity to try my DSLR camera my dear hubby gave it as a birthday gift.  Most of the photos here are taken raw without undergoing a photo process of editing, and to my surprised, I love the results- it's amazing. I was so pleased  it changed the way I see and take photos. There are still a lot to improve but I'm up for the challenge.

Nikon D7000, 55-300mm lens